Meet the team

Mercedes Leguía, MD

Mercedes Leguía, MD

Clinical Director & Co-founder

Ophthalmologist & Retina Specialist. Chief of the Ophthalmology Department at Hospital de Alta Complejidad El Cruce (Florencio Varela, AR).

José Ignacio Orlando, PhD

José Ignacio Orlando, PhD

Project Leader & Co-founder

Machine Learning & Medical Imaging Specialist. Associate Researcher in CONICET (PLADEMA / UNICEN). University Professor at UNICEN.

Ignacio Larrabide, PhD

Ignacio Larrabide, PhD

Technology Advisor & Co-founder

Medical Technology & Imaging Specialist. Principal Research in CONICET (PLADEMA / UNICEN) and CNEA. University Professor at UNICEN.

Lucas Telesco, Eng

Lucas Telesco, Eng

Data Scientist & Software Engineer

PhD Student in Computational and Industrial Mathematics in CONICET (PLADEMA / UNICEN). DevOps Engineer.

Eugenia Moris, Eng

Eugenia Moris, Eng

Data Scientist & Software Engineer

PhD Student in Computational and Industrial Mathematics in CONICET (PLADEMA / UNICEN). Software Engineer.

This is retinar

retinar is a pioneering Argentinian startup emerging from over 10 years of cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence applied to ophthalmology. Our journey began with collaborative efforts at CONICET, UNICEN, and Hospital El Cruce, where a dedicated team of machine learning researchers, retina specialists, and medical technology experts created the first AI tools that are the foundation for our innovative solutions. In retinar we leverage advanced ML technology to address critical challenges in vision health, providing plug-and-play, easy-to-use software that relies on non-expensive, non-invasive imaging devices. Our multidisciplinary team, comprising experts in computer science, medical imaging, ophthalmology, and healthcare, is committed to transforming vision care and improving patient outcomes through state-of-the-art diagnostic and screening tools.

Our mission

Retinar aims to revolutionize access to visual healthcare through a suite of AI-driven products. Our mission is to harness the power of artificial intelligence to provide early, accurate, and accessible diagnostics for vision-threatening conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, among many others. By integrating our solutions into healthcare systems, we seek to enhance patient care and make more efficient use of medical professionals’ capabilities. At Retinar, we are dedicated to making advanced eye care available to all, reducing the prevalence of preventable blindness. Our commitment is to continue innovating and expanding our products, ensuring quality eye care is within reach for everyone. Don’t miss the opportunity to join us.